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everytime I see you, my heart beats a little bit faster
everytime we touch, my stomach flips
but still there's a voice in my head, and that voice has doubts....

the decision, it's tough
all or nothing
why can't it be simple, like all other things...

faith took me so far - it took me to you -
but now it's up to me to make it happen?
so why is there this doubt?

I can't choose
one time I say I don't like you
the next I want nothing else but you

life consists of making dicisions
it never stops
so I have to make mine now, otherwise my journey in life can't go on

I can get so much better
I can also get so much worse
but it's about here and now..

tough, because every decision shapes your live
sometimes I wish I could fastforward time, to see if in the end it's all worth it
but sometimes someone is worth the risk

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